The Wedding of Chris + Eleisha

In July of 2015, I flew to Charlotte, North Carolina, and stayed with my childhood best friend Jesse and his wife Elizabeth, who moved from Vancouver, Canada to South Carolina to join Elizabeth’s parents where together they pastor a church in Fort Mill. In the summer of 2013, they hosted Eleisha (the daughter of our mutual friend Mike—a fellow designer and photographer) who spent her summer holiday with them. Eleisha met Chris, and a budding romance began. They married in Charleston in the summer of 2015 and I was hired to travel across the US and capture their wedding.

On my first visit to the Carolinas, I was delighted to take in the southern culture, cuisine, history and geography, and was honored to shoot one of my favorite weddings to date. During the days prior, I scouted locations for the shoot, exploring parks, gardens and waterfront in the dense July heat. Apart from the chapel ceremony, and the reception held at McCrady’s (which, sadly, was forced to close during the COVID-19 pandemic), we shot some intimate scenes against backdrop of historic College of Charleston, the oldest municipal academic institution in the United States.