While hiking at McArthur-Burney Falls, in California’s Shasta County, I was inspired by the neon green fruticose lichen that had fallen from the nearby Ponderosa Pine trees onto the rust red forest floor. Taking cues from the work of Andy Goldsworthy, I began arranging pieces of the lichen into a circle. After refining stroke width and adding a tail to make it a letter Q set in a sort of typographic hybrid of Clarendon and Bodoni, I captured it with my Google Nexus 6P and left the sculpture behind for nature to reclaim its elements.
After posting the image to my Instagram feed, my dad commented jokingly, “Next up… WERTYUIOP!” and my sister later suggested making a series of them, so I literally took up the charge and followed their instructions. I could not have anticipated the public response to this project; soon I was approached by the developers of VSCO to publish an interview about my creative process.
I have always loved typography. My parents bought a set of Encyclopedia to supplement my family’s education, and I studied each volume to absorb the evolution of the alphabet. I learned the nuances between letters in printed form and their cursive counterparts.